• 감염병 예방 실천운동

감염병 예방 실천운동

    Brushing Away Loneliness
  • Supuni Dhanuddharee … 
  • 12-13 
  • 136 
  • 워크아웃 인사이드


    “Brushing Away Loneliness”

    As a foreign student from Sri Lanka adjusting to the difficulties of climate change in South Korea, I've found that painting and listening to music are two special kind of mental self-care that provide comfort in the middle of chaos. Depression and loneliness can be crippling, especially in light of the unpredictable nature of our ever-changing environment.

    My native country does not experience seasonal changes like Korea does, and it is sometimes quite tough to accept and adjust to these changes. I tend to overthink everything, and in these kinds of situations, I experience extreme loneliness, anxiety, and stress. Since I have close relationships with my family and friends, I feel their absence greatly under such conditions. As an answer to this, I do paint to the best of my ability and listen to music because I find that learning activities require more mental relaxation.

    I take comfort in using my paintbrush to create a completely original world in the peaceful corners of my room. The canvas turns into a haven where I may express my feelings and play with the bright colors of my thoughts. Every brushstroke is a step away from isolation and a quest for personal growth.

    Music is a reassuring companion, whether it's the heartfelt melodies of Sri Lankan classics or the K-pop beats echoing through Chuncheon streets. The symphony of emotions evoked by music is mirrored in the perfect color combination on paint, which fuses my heritage with the dynamic culture of my new home.

    These are the times when the painting process and the musical beat meld to create a healing dance that cuts over boundaries of time and language. These artistic pursuits provide me, as a foreign student navigating the climate change era, with both a relief and a link between my past, present, and unknown future.

    It's evidence of the ability of creativity to serve as a universal language and an unrestricted kind of self-care.


    Photo credit: QianKuWang (Google)


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